If you have already built objects with origami, did you later unfold your object to observe the geometric pattern revealed by the creased paper??
Lately, my son keeps bugging me to make him a dinosaur origami as he really is a big fan of dinosaurs. Last time, after making him the dinosaur origami, I just realized that I can use origami in my Geometry Class seeing how I fold them. I immediately unfold the dinosaur origami and I found those geometric patterns hiding behind the creased paper. I searched about it and I was right that indeed there are many websites relating Origami in teaching Mathematics.
So I decided to take origami as part of my Geometry class activity. I asked the students to make the basic cubic origami, the "Waterbomb". After making them, I asked them to unfold it and observe what can they see. I explained to them that the complex geometric pattern they can see is a proof that origami is actually a geometry since geometry is all about shapes.
The geometric pattern behind the water bomb , its mathematical formula is formulated at http://www.mathematische-basteleien.de/oricube.htm