「感じない子ども こころを扱えない大人」ホロイワ ナナ著 集英社新書
"Kanjinai kodomo, kokoro wo atsukaenai otona" by Nana Horoiwa (Shueisha shinsho)
Rough translation: "Adults who can't feel and handle their children's emotion"
My son's teacher recommended me to read this book, so I bought it on Amazon.
When you get up and let an elder sit down on the train, do you do it because" it's a social manner toward elders" or because "you feel bad for them standing up"?
I was able to have a fresh vision on a few things: ""Kokoro"(emotions) means understanding and confronting feelings" "If you want to talk with your children, be the one to talk first" etc.
I recommend this book to all adults.