フランス語クラス / French Class 【7/11】
今日のフランス語クラスでは、フランスにある人気で有名な町とヨーロッパの国々、人々と文化について学習しました。たとえば、「マルセーユ Marseilles」は港、中世建築、ローマ遺跡、下町、理想的な気候ともちろん地中海で知られているのです。たくさんの言葉を勉強して、各言葉の発音をしっかりいえました。
How much do you know about France and Europe?
Today we learned about some major places in France and why they're famous, along with countries, people and culture in Europe. For example, Marseilles is famous for it's port, the medieval architecture, the roman ruins, the old city, the idyllic climate and of course the beautiful Mediterranean sea. Students learned a lot of vocabulary and each time worked on the pronunciation.
By the way, all of the students have a native level in English so the workshop went fast: English and France look alike so they understand the meaning of words almost instantly.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Check yourself!!! ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
English French
roman ruins ruines romaines
port port
medieval architecture architecture médiévale
old city vieille ville
idyllic climate climat idyllique
Mediterranean sea mer Méditerranée