Traffic signals are just a suggestion
"Use yah (your) blinkah"
Boston Driving Tips
#1: Don't (drive in Boston)!
#2: Going to drive in Boston anyway? Don't risk smashing up your own car . . .
#3: Get the smallest rental car possible
#4: Rent a car for the shortest time possible
#5: Park your car outside of the city
#6: If someone gives you directions, be aware that they may use names that no longer appear on maps . . . and maybe never did
#7: Don't expect your GPS to be accurate
#8: Traffic signals are just a suggestion
#9: Don't expect to see turn signals every time a driver's going to turn
#10: Expect cars to cross lanes of traffic as they turn
#11: Watch out for "easing out"
#12: Beware of pedestrians
#13: In rotaries, assume the other drivers have the right of way
#14: Assume the best about other Boston drivers
個人的に好きなのは、8番目のTraffic signals are just a suggestionというフレーズです。